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The Differences Between Fixed, Variable and Split Home Loans

3 November 2020

If you’re looking for a home loan there are limitless options available to you in terms of lender, structure & requirements. One of the most important ways in which home loans vary is in the repayments. There are three main types of repayment options for home loans; fixed, variable and

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How Equipment Finance Can Help Your Business Grow

20 October 2020

Equipment finance can be the perfect finance for any business looking to grow both in size and revenue. Costly equipment can be purchased using equipment finance without the need for a large amount of available equity. For this reason equipment finance is also great for new businesses or startups as

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What Are the Benefits of a Mortgage Broker?

13 October 2020

Just as important as the decision on which home to buy is the decision which home loan to choose to finance your purchase. The limitless range of options and possibilities is a double edged sword as it can be time consuming to sort through all of them to find the

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How Do You Compare Mortgage Lenders

6 October 2020

Choosing a lender for your mortgage is a crucial part of the process for buying a home. Every person is different with unique situations, goals and needs and as a result the lender and mortgage you choose needs to match your own unique circumstances. While the search for the perfect

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